When I first heard about multitasking, it was presented to me as the hability someone had to perform multiple roles within one's job, such as filling spreadsheets, taking phonecalls, dealing with clients, finding new projects, do accounting... Whereas a monotask person would only be capable of playing a limited role within his or her business or company - though being the best at it, preferring to keep quiet and peacefully working, without all the buzz arround multitaskers. Nothing much, just a way to define the best way people could play a role and interact within the company workflow.
A couple of years passed, and now multitasking seems to mean that one should be able to tackle all the tasks at the same time, while monotasking started to mean someone isn't working enough, doing enough for the business or whatever, and monotaskers started to being seen not as valuable players in whatever job, but disposable employees that don't bring enough profit to the company.

This isn't right... this isn't even healthy!

Don't we all remember when children being taught not to do a lot of things at the same time, like reading while walking, so we don't fall or get hit by a car, or not to eat while somebody was talking to us and pay attention to remember the conversation later, or not to do our homework while watching tv, so we can concentrate in the work we're doing? It got me thinking... Multitasking should mean to make quick shifts between tasks and help somebody out in 5 minutes, and monotasking used to mean you are really good at that exact job. I wonder how we got so overwhelmingly busy we aren't actually capable of perform one job at the time and go through our to do list nice and clear.

We've been constantly being taught to be organized, put first things first, prioritize our tasks, homework, hobbies and activities... why on Earth are we so obcessed of not doing anything of that, and just keep on making everything simultaneously? It's just exausting and a completly no brainer to me!

I think it's getting profoundly unjust, and getting a toll on the workforce these days: businesses are overworking multitaskers over the top with inquiries and making them feel like they can't keep up, and that that's their fault... At the same time, monotaskers are being told to do more, and given jobs and goals they know they can't accomplish in other areas besides the ones they excell in. I mean... if someone is very good at something, and wan't to keep playing that specific role, why make them do work you know they won't be able to fulfill? Isn't that counterproductive? Isn't that counterproductive - and extremely expensive to the company- to give so much work to your employees that they end up having no time do check everything and end up delaying work over and over again?

Let's stop and think for a second: wouldn't it be more profitable to a business to clear jobs and projects one by one, and invoicing nice and steady, keeping the money coming surely, or is it preferable to take all the projects at once, forward to all the emails at once, taking all the phone calls at once, and have all the meetings at once, and keeping postponing deadlines because you can't keep up with all the projects you commited yourself or your company to, and therefore bringing in money further and further down the line?

I keep watching collegues, friends, enterpreneurs, and even youtubers hustling everyday, working to the point they can't barely sleep, or spend time with their families and loved ones. That's not the life we all want, is it?
Wouldn't it be a little easier to keep your cool, progress daily, keep up with quality work, and just stay organized?
Any thoughts?
