I was never fond of New Year's resolutions, much because I don't believe in making your mind about some aspects of your life to never remember about them again.
I'm a person of action, and I make resolutions all year round - even if I think about them again and again untill I actually make my mind.
This year, however, I've decided to make things a little differently. I actually sat down and wrote what I want to accomplish this year in a piece of paper, and put it at my bed side, so when I wake up every morning I remember what I'm here for in 2018.

Some of them are small, some are bigger goals, some are places I left in 2017 and want to continue to explore in the New Year, some have ever been in my life and I want to evolve but, most importantly, they are down to earth, clear and accomplishable tasks I realy want to do and achieve in my life.
Most of them are Architecture and Photography related, because... of course!
Mind me if I share them with you!

#1 Shoot more analog

#2 Test a new camera!

#3 Work on a photo series and get it published in a zine

#4 Shoot more iconic buildings and explore their human dimension

#5 Buy and read more books

#6 Print more

#7 Organize a Photo-Safari

#8 Blog once a week (again!)

#9 Instagram every day, once a day at least

#10 Travel more

#11 Hit back in the gym (yeah!)

Have a bright 2018!
